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看影片學 ESG:企業社會責任衡量指標

by Allianz Global Investors | 發佈於 Jan 15, 2019

領導力企管編輯團隊為您選播來自 Allianz Global Investors 的2分鐘簡介影片,資料來源與版權歸屬皆為 Allianz Global Investors。這則影片主題為 "什麼是 What is ESG?"。

ESG 分別代表 環境(Environment)、社會(Social Responsibility)以及公司治理(Corporate Governance)。目前投資市場的趨勢為,衡量一家公司是否值得長期投資與否?從以往的單一財務指標,擴及為非財務指標。



以下提供影片字幕全文中英對照,讓大家透過投資者的角度,了解全新 ESG 永續投資趨勢。

In an increasingly complex world, when faced with many questions about the meaning of our investments, the concept of socially responsible investment (SRI) is particularly relevant. 

在日益複雜的世界裡,當我們面對關於許多投資意義的問題時,SRI 社會責任投資概念有其重要性。

socially responsible investment (SRI) is sustainable development applied to finance.
SRI 社會責任投資概念適用於金融產業的永續發展。

It is an investment approach, that consists of systematically mainstreaming factors linked to environmental social and government's ESG criteria, alongside financial criteria. 

ESG 投資,已經將環境、社會和治理3大標準,與財務標準共同被納入主流投資標準。

When we are considering investing in a company, we carry out a two-pronged analysis: We look at the financial criteria: profitability, business models, sector and competitiveness - alongside the ESG criteria.



E = Environmental. We analyze the environmental footprint of companies, for example, initiatives in areas such as energy saving and the reduction of pollutant emissions. 


S = Social. We examine working conditions relationships with clients and suppliers and human resources management. 


G = Governance. We investigate the governance structure to assess if it's transparent and independent. How the corporate officers are appointed and renewed and if there is respect for shareholders.


As an asset management company, Allianz Global Investors has been a pioneer
in SRI.  We have been integrating ESG factors into our investment decision
since 2000. We have a team of dedicated experts who assist our clients in their
investment decisions. 

我們作為一家資產管理公司,是SRI全球先鋒的投資者。從2000年開始,我們的投資決策整合了 ESG 因素。我們優秀的專家團隊幫助客戶做出投資決策。

We can also count on the support of our parent company Allianz. 


We're convinced that the integration of ESG factors is a key factor in sustainable performance and helps to reduce the risks of an investment. Integrating ESG factors into
our investment approach helps us to identify risks upstream and better assess them.

我們相信整合 ESG 是永續發展的關鍵因素,有助於降低投資風險。整合 ESG 因素對於投資初步的風險辨識以及評估是非常好的方法。

Identify long-term investment opportunities, create value for client portfolios. socially responsible investment (SRI) gives meaning to investing and this comprehensive approach helps to ensure the sustainable performance of our investments.


以上資料來源與版權歸屬皆為 Allianz Global Investors,由領導力企管編輯團隊執行字幕英翻中,最終語意解釋權仍歸屬 Allianz Global Investors。歡迎前往 企業社會責任報告書 CSR Report 專區了解更多。


